Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Friday, 12 December 2008
Configuring Kerberos Authentication
Configuring Kerberos Authentication (requires registration) but a very good article
The query to check connections on SQL server (including their authentication type) is
Kerberos is configured usually using an Active Directory admin account and the utility SETSPN to set the service principle names required for proper operation.
The query to check connections on SQL server (including their authentication type) is
2: s.session_id
3: , c.connect_time
4: , s.login_time
5: , s.login_name
6: , c.protocol_type
7: , c.auth_scheme
8: , s.HOST_NAME
9: , s.program_name
10: FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions s
11: JOIN sys.dm_exec_connections c
12: ON s.session_id = c.session_id
Kerberos is configured usually using an Active Directory admin account and the utility SETSPN to set the service principle names required for proper operation.
Thursday, 11 December 2008
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Microsoft Application Verifier
"Application Verifier is a runtime verification tool for unmanaged code that assists in quickly finding subtle programming errors that can be extremely difficult to identify with normal application testing.
Application Verifier is designed specifically to detect and help debug memory corruptions and critical security vulnerabilities. It makes it easier to create reliable applications by monitoring an application's interaction with the Windows operating system, profiling its use of objects, the registry, the file system, and Win32 APIs (including heaps, handles, locks, and more). It also includes checks to predict how well the application will perform under Least-privileged User Account operation, compatibility tests to be used in logoing, and print tests to verify your usage of the print subsystem.
Running Application Verifier is easy; simply turn on the tool then run your project and go through your normal testing scenarios with a debugger attached. When your tests are completed, view the Application Verifier logs for any errors that may have been detected."
Application Verifier is designed specifically to detect and help debug memory corruptions and critical security vulnerabilities. It makes it easier to create reliable applications by monitoring an application's interaction with the Windows operating system, profiling its use of objects, the registry, the file system, and Win32 APIs (including heaps, handles, locks, and more). It also includes checks to predict how well the application will perform under Least-privileged User Account operation, compatibility tests to be used in logoing, and print tests to verify your usage of the print subsystem.
Running Application Verifier is easy; simply turn on the tool then run your project and go through your normal testing scenarios with a debugger attached. When your tests are completed, view the Application Verifier logs for any errors that may have been detected."
MDAC Utility: Component Checker
"The Component Checker tool is designed to help you determine installed version information and diagnose installation issues with the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC). MDAC is installed with numerous Microsoft products and can also be redistributed using the redistribution program (mdac_typ.exe) that you can download from the MSDN Data Access and Storage Developer Center. Windows XP SP2 or later versions of Windows also installs MDAC as an ‘out of box’ system component of the Windows operating system. Since MDAC in Windows XP SP2 or later is newer than the version (MDAC 2.8 SP1) in the last MDAC redistribution program, mdac_typ.exe no longer installs MDAC on Windows XP SP2 and later version. For more information about MDAC history and supportability please visit Data Access Technologies Road Map
Component Checker performs the following tasks:
Component Checker performs the following tasks:
- Identifies the current MDAC installation on a computer.
- Creates a series of reports about the files identified for the current MDAC installation."
Thursday, 4 December 2008
free sql tools and other utilities
SQL tools:
Other utilities (requires free registration to read the article)
Other utilities (requires free registration to read the article)
Utilities (software) tools list
Not sure I agree on all but overall very good list
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
.NET books list
from a poster in amazon...
My top recommended books:
1. "Accelerated C#" by Trey Nash
2. "Programming .NET Components" by Juval Lowy
3. "Test Driven Development in Microsoft .NET"
4. "Head First Design Patterns" [in Java but good]
5. "CLR Via C#" by Jeffrey Richter
6. "Code Complete" [Steve McConnell]
7. "Pro C# 2008 and the .NET 3.5 Platform" [Excellent]
8. "Framework Design Guidelines"
9. "WCF" by Juvy Lowy [Advanced stuff, but excellent]
10. "Pro LINQ Language Integrated Query in C# 2008"
My top recommended books:
1. "Accelerated C#" by Trey Nash
2. "Programming .NET Components" by Juval Lowy
3. "Test Driven Development in Microsoft .NET"
4. "Head First Design Patterns" [in Java but good]
5. "CLR Via C#" by Jeffrey Richter
6. "Code Complete" [Steve McConnell]
7. "Pro C# 2008 and the .NET 3.5 Platform" [Excellent]
8. "Framework Design Guidelines"
9. "WCF" by Juvy Lowy [Advanced stuff, but excellent]
10. "Pro LINQ Language Integrated Query in C# 2008"
Thursday, 27 November 2008
Improve windows startup time
Also make sure you follow the link at the bottom to debunking Windows performance-tweaking myths.
Also make sure you follow the link at the bottom to debunking Windows performance-tweaking myths.
Friday, 14 November 2008
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
SQL Index Defrag
Looks neat http://sqlfool.com/2008/11/updated-index-defrag-script-2005-2008/
For the standard version of SQL server the script is: (all credits to the author in the link provided above):
For the standard version of SQL server the script is: (all credits to the author in the link provided above):
2: WHERE [name] = N'dba_indexDefragLog')
5: DROP TABLE dbo.dba_indexDefragLog;
7: PRINT 'dba_indexDefragLog table dropped!';
9: END
11: CREATE TABLE dbo.dba_indexDefragLog
12: (
13: indexDefrag_id INT IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL
14: , objectID INT NOT NULL
15: , objectName NVARCHAR(130) NOT NULL
16: , indexID INT NOT NULL
17: , indexName NVARCHAR(130) NOT NULL
18: , fragmentation FLOAT NOT NULL
19: , page_count INT NOT NULL
20: , dateTimeStart DATETIME NOT NULL
21: , durationSeconds INT NOT NULL
22: CONSTRAINT PK_indexDefragLog
23: PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (indexDefrag_id)
24: );
26: PRINT 'dba_indexDefragLog Table Created';
28: IF OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID('dbo.dba_indexDefragStandard_sp'),
29: N'IsProcedure') IS Null
31: EXECUTE ('Create Procedure dbo.dba_indexDefragStandard_sp
32: As Print ''Hello World!''');
33: RAISERROR('Procedure dba_indexDefragStandard_sp created.'
34: , 10, 1);
35: END;
36: Go
38: SET ANSI_Nulls ON;
39: SET Ansi_Padding ON;
40: SET Ansi_Warnings ON;
41: SET ArithAbort ON;
42: SET Concat_Null_Yields_Null ON;
44: SET Numeric_RoundAbort OFF;
45: SET Quoted_Identifier ON;
46: Go
48: ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.dba_indexDefragStandard_sp
50: /* Declare Parameters */
51: @minFragmentation FLOAT = 10.0
52: /* in percent, will not defrag if fragmentation
53: less than specified */
54: , @rebuildThreshold FLOAT = 30.0
55: /* in percent, greater than @rebuildThreshold
56: will result in rebuild instead of reorg */
57: , @executeSQL BIT = 1
58: /* 1 = execute; 0 = print command only */
59: , @tableName VARCHAR(4000) = Null
60: /* Option to specify a table name */
61: , @printCommands BIT = 0
62: /* 1 = print commands; 0 = do not print commands */
63: , @printFragmentation BIT = 0
64: /* 1 = print fragmentation prior to defrag;
65: 0 = do not print */
66: , @defragDelay CHAR(8) = '00:00:05'
67: /* time to wait between defrag commands */
68: AS
69: /********************************************************************
70: Name: dba_indexDefragStandard_sp
72: Author: Michelle F. Ufford
74: Purpose: Defrags all indexes for the current database
76: Notes: This script was designed for SQL Server 2005
77: Standard edition.
79: CAUTION: Monitor transaction log if executing for the first time!
81: @minFragmentation defaulted to 10%, will not defrag if
82: fragmentation if less than specified.
84: @rebuildThreshold defaulted to 30% as recommended by
85: Microsoft in BOL;
86: > than 30% will result in rebuild instead
88: @executeSQL 1 = execute the SQL generated by this proc;
89: 0 = print command only
91: @tableName Specify if you only want to defrag indexes
92: for a specific table
94: @printCommands 1 = print commands to screen;
95: 0 = do not print commands
97: @printFragmentation 1 = print fragmentation to screen;
98: 0 = do not print fragmentation
100: @defragDelay time to wait between defrag commands;
101: gives the server some time to catch up
103: Called by: SQL Agent Job or DBA
105: Date Initials Description
106: ----------------------------------------------------------------
107: 2008-10-27 MFU Initial Release
108: 2008-11-17 MFU Added page_count to log table
109: , added @printFragmentation option
110: ********************************************************************
111: Exec dbo.dba_indexDefragStandard_sp
112: @executeSQL = 1
113: , @printCommands = 1
114: , @minFragmentation = 0
115: , @printFragmentation = 1;
116: ********************************************************************/
119: SET XACT_Abort ON;
121: BEGIN
123: /* Declare our variables */
124: DECLARE @objectID INT
125: , @indexID INT
126: , @schemaName NVARCHAR(130)
127: , @objectName NVARCHAR(130)
128: , @indexName NVARCHAR(130)
129: , @fragmentation FLOAT
130: , @pageCount INT
131: , @sqlCommand NVARCHAR(4000)
132: , @rebuildCommand NVARCHAR(200)
133: , @dateTimeStart DATETIME
134: , @dateTimeEnd DATETIME
135: , @containsLOB BIT;
137: /* Just a little validation... */
138: IF @minFragmentation Not Between 0.00 And 100.0
139: SET @minFragmentation = 10.0;
141: IF @rebuildThreshold Not Between 0.00 And 100.0
142: SET @rebuildThreshold = 30.0;
144: IF @defragDelay Not Like '00:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]'
145: SET @defragDelay = '00:00:05';
147: /* Determine which indexes to defrag using our
148: user-defined parameters */
150: OBJECT_ID AS objectID
151: , index_id AS indexID
152: , avg_fragmentation_in_percent AS fragmentation
153: , page_count
154: , 0 AS 'defragStatus'
155: /* 0 = unprocessed, 1 = processed */
156: INTO #indexDefragList
157: FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats
158: (DB_ID(), OBJECT_ID(@tableName), NULL , NULL, N'Limited')
159: WHERE avg_fragmentation_in_percent > @minFragmentation
160: And index_id > 0
161: OPTION (MaxDop 1);
163: /* Create a clustered index to boost performance a little */
164: CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX CIX_temp_indexDefragList
165: ON #indexDefragList(objectID, indexID);
167: /* Begin our loop for defragging */
168: WHILE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #indexDefragList
169: WHERE defragStatus = 0) > 0
170: BEGIN
172: /* Grab the most fragmented index first to defrag */
174: @objectID = objectID
175: , @fragmentation = fragmentation
176: , @indexID = indexID
177: , @pageCount = page_count
178: FROM #indexDefragList
179: WHERE defragStatus = 0
180: ORDER BY fragmentation DESC;
182: /* Look up index information */
183: SELECT @objectName = QUOTENAME(o.name)
184: , @schemaName = QUOTENAME(s.name)
185: FROM sys.objects AS o
186: Inner Join sys.schemas AS s
187: ON s.schema_id = o.schema_id
188: WHERE o.OBJECT_ID = @objectID;
190: SELECT @indexName = QUOTENAME(name)
191: FROM sys.indexes
192: WHERE OBJECT_ID = @objectID
193: And index_id = @indexID
194: And type > 0;
196: /* Look for LOBs */
198: @containsLOB = column_id
199: FROM sys.columns WITH (NOLOCK)
200: WHERE
201: [OBJECT_ID] = @objectID
202: And (system_type_id In (34, 35, 99)
203: -- 34 = image, 35 = text, 99 = ntext
204: Or max_length = -1);
205: -- varbinary(max), varchar(max), nvarchar(max), xml
207: /* See if we should rebuild or reorganize; handle thusly */
208: IF @fragmentation < @rebuildThreshold Or IsNull(@containsLOB, 0) > 0
209: -- Cannot rebuild if the table has one or more LOB
210: SET @sqlCommand = N'Alter Index ' + @indexName + N' On '
211: + @schemaName + N'.' + @objectName + N' ReOrganize;'
212: ELSE
213: SET @sqlCommand = N'Alter Index ' + @indexName + N' On '
214: + @schemaName + N'.' + @objectName + ' Rebuild '
215: + 'With (MaxDop = 1)'; -- minimize impact on server
217: /* Are we executing the SQL? If so, do it */
218: IF @executeSQL = 1
219: BEGIN
221: /* Grab the time for logging purposes */
222: SET @dateTimeStart = GETDATE();
223: EXECUTE (@sqlCommand);
224: SET @dateTimeEnd = GETDATE();
226: /* Log our actions */
227: INSERT INTO dbo.dba_indexDefragLog
228: (
229: objectID
230: , objectName
231: , indexID
232: , indexName
233: , fragmentation
234: , page_count
235: , dateTimeStart
236: , durationSeconds
237: )
239: @objectID
240: , @objectName
241: , @indexID
242: , @indexName
243: , @fragmentation
244: , @pageCount
245: , @dateTimeStart
246: , DATEDIFF(SECOND, @dateTimeStart, @dateTimeEnd);
248: /* Just a little breather for the server */
249: WAITFOR Delay @defragDelay;
251: /* Print if specified to do so */
252: IF @printCommands = 1
253: PRINT N'Executed: ' + @sqlCommand;
254: END
255: ELSE
256: /* Looks like we're not executing, just print
257: the commands */
258: BEGIN
259: IF @printCommands = 1
260: PRINT @sqlCommand;
261: END
263: /* Update our index defrag list when we've
264: finished with that index */
265: UPDATE #indexDefragList
266: SET defragStatus = 1
267: WHERE objectID = @objectID
268: And indexID = @indexID;
270: END
272: /* Do we want to output our fragmentation results? */
273: IF @printFragmentation = 1
274: SELECT idl.objectID
275: , o.name AS 'tableName'
276: , idl.indexID
277: , i.name AS 'indexName'
278: , idl.fragmentation
279: , idl.page_count
280: FROM #indexDefragList AS idl
281: JOIN sys.objects AS o
282: ON idl.objectID = o.OBJECT_ID
283: JOIN sys.indexes AS i
284: ON idl.objectID = i.OBJECT_ID
285: AND idl.indexID = i.index_id;
287: /* When everything is done, make sure to get rid of
288: our temp table */
289: DROP TABLE #indexDefragList;
292: RETURN 0
293: END
294: Go
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
windows server 2008 workstation
interesting approach between vista and XP
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Google visualization API
Released, blogged here: http://google-code-updates.blogspot.com/2008/11/introducing-powerful-visualizations-for.html
Nice example here: http://jpbi.blogspot.com/2008/03/motion-chart-provided-by-google.html#
Home here: http://code.google.com/apis/visualization/
Also on a related note: http://www.gapminder.org/ (check the links section too)
Nice example here: http://jpbi.blogspot.com/2008/03/motion-chart-provided-by-google.html#
Home here: http://code.google.com/apis/visualization/
Also on a related note: http://www.gapminder.org/ (check the links section too)
Thursday, 30 October 2008
SQL Server Language Settings
This is to solve the problem where we want to be using British English in SQL but it insists in using US English.
Will show you current default server language (should be British).
will make your username take on the default of the server. (of course replace username with the one you want to change). If the logins are done via groups and not individual users, you will need to change the group's default language (by using the group instead of the specific user as parameter to sp_defaultlanguage).
also read for more information:
sp_defaultlanguage doc:
default language options:
sp_configure doc:
If all fails you can use SET DATEFORMAT eg
for European, inside the stored procedure you are executing, but I prefer the first solution based on user settings. On the other hand the SET DATEFORMAT command in the stored procedure makes it more robust, its up to you.
Failing all can use:
Will show you current default server language (should be British).
1: sp_defaultlanguage 'your-domain\your-username'
will make your username take on the default of the server. (of course replace username with the one you want to change). If the logins are done via groups and not individual users, you will need to change the group's default language (by using the group instead of the specific user as parameter to sp_defaultlanguage).
also read for more information:
sp_defaultlanguage doc:
default language options:
sp_configure doc:
If all fails you can use SET DATEFORMAT eg
for European, inside the stored procedure you are executing, but I prefer the first solution based on user settings. On the other hand the SET DATEFORMAT command in the stored procedure makes it more robust, its up to you.
Failing all can use:
Friday, 24 October 2008
Programmatically select DataGridView row
This can be useful if we are updating a row in a DataGridView and we want to refresh the DataSource, still the selected row to remain the same.
1: if (selectedIndex > -1 && dataGridView1.Rows.Count > selectedIndex)
2: {
3: dataGridView1.Rows[selectedIndex].Selected = true;
4: dataGridView1.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = selectedIndex;
5: }
Monday, 20 October 2008
Freecycle (www.freecycle.org) is a place to pass along no longer needed items and possibly find something you need - better passed along than in a landfill. A LaserJet III probably won't be your first choice for a business proposal or resume, but it's OK for a draft copy of anything or printing a program listing. It's a great deal if it's free and toner cartridges are still plentiful and cheap.
Craig's List (www.craigslist.org) has free, for sale, and wanted sections. You can find lawn and garden, furniture, computers, entertainment gear, kids' stuff and lots more. That 18 year old truck was sold via Craig's list and I had cash-in-hand in 24 hours from the time the ad was posted - there's no charge to post or sell on Craig's List.
Craig's List (www.craigslist.org) has free, for sale, and wanted sections. You can find lawn and garden, furniture, computers, entertainment gear, kids' stuff and lots more. That 18 year old truck was sold via Craig's list and I had cash-in-hand in 24 hours from the time the ad was posted - there's no charge to post or sell on Craig's List.
Portable database VistaDB
This is an alternative to sqlite, http://vistadb.net/vistadb3/features.aspx. Although it is commercial, they also offer a free version. The database is written in .NET and seems to have all the basic features you would want. Worth considering for projects requiring a small database.
Friday, 17 October 2008
ASP.NET MVC framework beta
Nice article explaining the features of ASP.NET MVC framework in its beta state
http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2008/10/16/asp-net-mvc-beta-released.aspx. Looks quite neat.
http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2008/10/16/asp-net-mvc-beta-released.aspx. Looks quite neat.
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Active directory group and member properties, DirectorySearcher PropertiesToLoad possible values
Normally you would use code like this, to retrieve values for specific properties of an Active Directory group (specified in string groupName):
but what are the possible values of properties you can use in PropertiesToLoad.Add()? I couldnt find this information anywhere so I wrote a little snippet to retrieve them, here is the result (29 properties)
1: DirectorySearcher search = new DirectorySearcher {Filter = String.Format("(cn={0})", groupName)};
2: search.PropertiesToLoad.Add("member");
4: List<string> userNames = new List<string>();
6: if (result != null)
7: {
8: for (int counter = 0; counter < result.Properties["member"].Count; counter++)
9: {
10: string user = (string)result.Properties["member"][counter];
11: userNames.Add(user + Environment.NewLine);
12: }
13: }
15: return userNames;
but what are the possible values of properties you can use in PropertiesToLoad.Add()? I couldnt find this information anywhere so I wrote a little snippet to retrieve them, here is the result (29 properties)
Thursday, 9 October 2008
XML command line manipulation open source utility
This might be handy if you have to do a lot of work with XML, or even to quickly query large XML files that you want to search for specific information, although I don't know how well it can deal with large files:
Tuesday, 7 October 2008
Database search methods
This one is based more on database interaction: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Full-Text+Search+(2008)/64248/ (requires free registration).
This one uses the open source lucene framework: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/library/IntroducingLucene.aspx
This one uses the open source lucene framework: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/library/IntroducingLucene.aspx
Microsoft light web platform
The equivalent of LAMP from Microsoft... http://www.microsoft.com/web/channel/products/WebPlatformInstaller.aspx plus an IDE to boot. Package includes including IIS7, Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition, SQL Server 2008 Express Edition and the .NET Framework, based on a single installer.
Compress image size by yahoo
New tool available from yahoo. Seems to suggest the optimum compressed size that doesn't affect the quality much.
Monday, 29 September 2008
Improving .NET Application Performance and Scalability
This is a PDF book from Microsoft, seems quite well written at first glance
Friday, 26 September 2008
Linked server double hop
This is the best article I've found regarding the proper setup of servers for double hop in MS SQL 2005: http://blogs.msdn.com/sql_protocols/archive/2006/08/10/694657.aspx
It is the best overview and most complete and yet simple explanation of the problem and the solution.
It is the best overview and most complete and yet simple explanation of the problem and the solution.
Thursday, 25 September 2008
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
How to make objects available as datasources for databound controls
This attribute goes to the class:
And this goes to the method:
1: // makes objects of this class suitable for binding to controls
2: [System.ComponentModel.DataObject]
And this goes to the method:
1: // this attribute is so that the method will show up in the
2: // ObjectDataSource wizard
3: [System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodAttribute(
4: System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType.Select, true)]
Friday, 19 September 2008
Open source version control
Nice list and good comparison of 7 open source version control systems:
Stanford free online courses
This looks really cool, now to find some time...
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
ADO.NET Entity Framework Tutorial
Looks nice and well written, I will post more details when I actually try it:
Nice online dictionary with audio
It has the pronunciation, this is cool!!!
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
Finally CodePlex supports svn!!!
Now I don't know yet how good this support is, but you can read all about it here:
They used to support svn in the past but it required a local installation of SvnBridge. Now it is integrated into their repository.
Typical URL format is https://projectname.svn.codeplex.com/svn
They used to support svn in the past but it required a local installation of SvnBridge. Now it is integrated into their repository.
Typical URL format is https://projectname.svn.codeplex.com/svn
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
20 tech habits to improve your life
Very good read, with some useful tips: 20 tech habits to improve your life
The .NET source code
Official site for the .NET source code, including instructions (although out of date in VS 2008 last time I checked, they were for VS 2005...)
For VS 2008 SP1 there is another option which is not included in the Microsoft website at this moment:
For VS 2008 SP1 there is another option which is not included in the Microsoft website at this moment:
Wizard implementation in C#
Very nice article explaining the implementation of a wizard in C#. The article skips over some details of the implementation (i.e. it is unclear at some points) but this is not a problem because clarification can be obtained by looking at the source code which is provided. On the other hand, the article has a comprehensive coverage of various events and it is definitely a worthwhile read. No doubt Microsoft will come up with some wizard component in the future, but until they do, this is a good alternative, and it any case a very educational resource.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
Thursday, 28 August 2008
Visual Studio 2008 code clone detective
Nice tool for improving code quality (removing redundancy). Free VS addon and it actually works, it’s quite cool. Currently available for C# only.
It works by identifying potential code duplication. Sadly it does not do anything resolving the issue at this stage, but it still helps to point out areas where code quality could be improved.
Article: http://www.infoworld.com/archives/emailPrint.jsp?R=printThis&A=/article/08/08/27/Cloned-code-finder-offered-for-Visual-Studio_1.html
Project : http://www.codeplex.com/CloneDetectiveVS
It works by identifying potential code duplication. Sadly it does not do anything resolving the issue at this stage, but it still helps to point out areas where code quality could be improved.
Article: http://www.infoworld.com/archives/emailPrint.jsp?R=printThis&A=/article/08/08/27/Cloned-code-finder-offered-for-Visual-Studio_1.html
Project : http://www.codeplex.com/CloneDetectiveVS
Monday, 18 August 2008
Nice paging stored procedure in MS SQL T-SQL
This also demonstrates the use of the WITH heyword.
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Employee_Paged] ( @maximumRows int = 10, @startRowIndex int = 1 ) AS
WITH [EmployeeByPage] AS
row_number() OVER (ORDER BY Employee.Id ASC) AS rowid,
[EmployeeByPage] AS Paged
Paged.rowid BETWEEN @startRowIndex AND @startRowIndex + @maximumRows
Source: http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=3263486&SiteID=1
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
Best freeware software lists
Some links which have lists of (mainly) free software:
has links to:
has links to:
Friday, 8 August 2008
Call .NET dll from MS SQL server - analyse query plan
This is a very well presented article which explains how we can obtain the query plan - estimated execution time for a query in SQL Server. It is also very useful because we can see in detail the process of registering and calling a .NET assembly from within SQL Server. Applies to: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and Microsoft Visual C# .NET, but most likely will be possible to use a similar or even the same process in SQL Server 2008 and later.
Friday, 1 August 2008
C# code beautifier
I came across this interesting project for C# code beautification - Still haven't tested it. It seems in early development stage, but it does look promising for the future.
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
Fast row count on large tables
This statement uses Dynamic Management Views to get the row count of a table. It can be considerably faster when we want to get the row count of a very large table, since the conventional way "select count(*) from table" would require a full table scan.
2: Total_Rows= SUM(st.row_count)
4: sys.dm_db_partition_stats st
6: object_name(object_id) = 'table_name_here'
Monday, 28 July 2008
Offline Browsing
Interesting open source project for offline browsing: http://www.httrack.com/
It can also be used to build HTTP Caches using archived websites copied by it.
It can also be used to build HTTP Caches using archived websites copied by it.
Friday, 25 July 2008
Dynamic Bulkinsert directory using server name
This command can be used to dynamically create the path for a file based on the current instance. It assumes each instance server has a directory called BulkInsert which we use to store the csv files we want to import.
1: select '\\' + substring(@@servername, 1, charindex('\', @@servername)) + 'BulkInsert\filename.csv'
Thursday, 24 July 2008
WPF Control Library template
Very nice article explaining how to create a WPF Control Library template if one does not already exist in VS:
Tuesday, 22 July 2008
svn ignore list for C# / Visual Studio files
This is a list of ignore items I find useful. It includes the Ankh and Resharper addons. Note that it also includes the .dll files, which sometimes might be needed, for example if we don't have the source code or for some other reason we don't want to build the dll. In this case if the ignore is applied recursively, we need to manually allow the dll in the directory of interest.
Friday, 18 July 2008
Database ANSI Padding
char , NOT NULL , ANSI PADDING (ON) : Trailing spaces to length of column created
char, NOT NULL, ANSI PADDING (OFF): Trailing spaces to length of column created
char, NULL, ANSI PADDING (ON): Trailing spaces to length of column created
char, NULL, ANSI PADDING (OFF): Variable storage, no trailing spaces created, trailing spaces present are preseverd
varchar , NOT NULL , ANSI PADDING (ON) : Variable storage, no trailing spaces created, yet trailing spaces present are preserved
varchar, NOT NULL, ANSI PADDING (OFF): Variable storage, no trailing spaces created
varchar, NULL, ANSI PADDING (ON): Variable storage, no trailing spaces created,yet trailing spaces present are preserved
varchar, NULL, ANSI PADDING (OFF): Variable storage, no trailing spaces created
source: http://channel9.msdn.com/forums/TechOff/190401-Variable-length-fields-and-fixed-length-fields-in-MSSQL/
char, NOT NULL, ANSI PADDING (OFF): Trailing spaces to length of column created
char, NULL, ANSI PADDING (ON): Trailing spaces to length of column created
char, NULL, ANSI PADDING (OFF): Variable storage, no trailing spaces created, trailing spaces present are preseverd
varchar , NOT NULL , ANSI PADDING (ON) : Variable storage, no trailing spaces created, yet trailing spaces present are preserved
varchar, NOT NULL, ANSI PADDING (OFF): Variable storage, no trailing spaces created
varchar, NULL, ANSI PADDING (ON): Variable storage, no trailing spaces created,yet trailing spaces present are preserved
varchar, NULL, ANSI PADDING (OFF): Variable storage, no trailing spaces created
source: http://channel9.msdn.com/forums/TechOff/190401-Variable-length-fields-and-fixed-length-fields-in-MSSQL/
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
Friday, 4 July 2008
Windows Maintenance Tools
Five good tools for windows maintenance - includes the JkDefrag and Ccleaner.
Nice comprehensive short list of pc optimisation - most of it spot on.
Finally the tweak guides:
Nice comprehensive short list of pc optimisation - most of it spot on.
Finally the tweak guides:
Thursday, 3 July 2008
How to take over a database...
--Disconnects people from the database
--Allows only db owners to connect. This step must be run because if you leave it in single user mode then the Redgate GUI cannot connect.
--If you are copying and pasting the Redgate script into the same window as the above script then you do not need to run this step.
1: alter database dbname
2: set single_user with rollback immediate
--Allows only db owners to connect. This step must be run because if you leave it in single user mode then the Redgate GUI cannot connect.
--If you are copying and pasting the Redgate script into the same window as the above script then you do not need to run this step.
1: alter database dbname
2: set restricted_user
Monday, 30 June 2008
Monday, 23 June 2008
Executing external applications
Some interesting information about setting up an external application (command line) and executing it without a visible window. Allows for capturing the stdout, stdin and stderr streams too. This example is for launching the command line svn client with info argument about a specific file in the svn repository, and capturing the result of our query.
1: Process svnProcess = new Process();
2: svnProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "svn.exe";
3: svnProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = " info " + svnUri;
4: svnProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
5: svnProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
6: svnProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
7: svnProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
8: svnProcess.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
9: svnProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
11: try
12: {
13: bool started = svnProcess.Start();
14: if (!started)
15: {
16: Log.WriteLog("Unable to start svn.exe process, aborting.", "svnInfoError.log", true, true);
17: MessageBox.Show("Unable to start svn.exe process.", "Error launching svn.exe", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
18: return -1;
19: }
20: }
21: catch (Exception ex)
22: {
23: Log.WriteLog("Unable to start svn.exe process, aborting.", "svnInfoError.log", true, true);
24: MessageBox.Show("Unable to start svn.exe process.", "Error launching svn.exe", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
25: return -1;
26: }
28: StreamReader sOut = svnProcess.StandardOutput;
29: string output;
31: while (svnProcess.HasExited == false)
32: {
33: output = sOut.ReadLine();
34: if (output != null)
35: {
36: if (output.StartsWith("Last Changed Rev: "))
37: {
38: string revNumberString = output.Substring("Last Changed Rev: ".Length);
39: int revNumber;
40: if (int.TryParse(revNumberString, out revNumber))
41: {
42: sOut.Close();
43: return revNumber;
44: }
45: else
46: {
47: throw new Exception("Could not parse the svn revision number!!!");
48: }
49: }
50: }
51: }
53: do
54: {
55: output = sOut.ReadLine();
56: if (output != null)
57: {
58: if (output.StartsWith("Last Changed Rev: "))
59: {
60: string revNumberString = output.Substring("Last Changed Rev: ".Length);
61: int revNumber;
62: if (int.TryParse(revNumberString, out revNumber))
63: {
64: sOut.Close();
65: return revNumber;
66: }
67: else
68: {
69: throw new Exception("Could not parse the svn revision number!!!");
70: }
71: }
72: }
73: } while (output != null);
76: string error = svnProcess.StandardError.ReadToEnd();
77: if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error) == false)
78: {
79: Log.WriteLog(error, "svnInfoError.log", true, true);
81: }
82: return -1; // Error executing the svn client application!!!
Friday, 20 June 2008
Ankhsvn, VS 2008 and subversion.
Today I realised that Ankhsvn, VS 2008 and subversion don't play very well together. As soon as I installed subversion my Ankhsvn VS 2008 plugin refused to work. Tried uninstalling it and installing every possible version with no success.
The final solution was to remove subversion, and just use the subversion zip file to extract the executable that I needed. It seems that the problem is some conflict between the subversion installer and Ankhsvn. In any case I am glad I managed to resolve this.
The final solution was to remove subversion, and just use the subversion zip file to extract the executable that I needed. It seems that the problem is some conflict between the subversion installer and Ankhsvn. In any case I am glad I managed to resolve this.
Thursday, 19 June 2008
.NET events and event handlers
This is a simple description of events and handlers. Does not include custom event arguments.
Child class is the source of the events and Parent class is the sink or consumer of the events. The parent reacts to events originating at the child class.
1. In child class:
A. Declare a delegate defining the signature of event handlers. Parent class functions that handle our events need to implement this delegate. This delegate is required in order to define events in this class.
Example: child class is Car, containing the following delegate:
B. Declare event names and associate them to the delegate above. These are events this class can send out to subscribers.
C. When certain conditions are met, first check event for null and fire it (with same parameters as the delegate - these will be passed on to the handler).
2. In parent class:
A. Define one or more functions implementing the event delegate that will perform the action required when the event fires.
B. Create an event handler, associating it with the handling function in the child class, as defined above.
C. Register the handler we created with the child class event type we want to handle (usually right after we create this object). If c1 is an object of the type in the child class,
Now whenever the event fires in the child class, the delegate will execute the CarExploded(string msg) function in the parent class.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you want to refer to a non static function (to fire when the event occurs i.e. function CarExploded in this example) you need to declare it at the class level, but initialise it in the parent class constructor. When declaring the event handler you can declare it readonly. I.e.:
Step 2B becomes:
and inside the constructor:
Child class is the source of the events and Parent class is the sink or consumer of the events. The parent reacts to events originating at the child class.
1. In child class:
A. Declare a delegate defining the signature of event handlers. Parent class functions that handle our events need to implement this delegate. This delegate is required in order to define events in this class.
Example: child class is Car, containing the following delegate:
1: public delegate void CarEventHandler(string msg);
B. Declare event names and associate them to the delegate above. These are events this class can send out to subscribers.
1: public event CarEventHandler Exploded;
2: public event CarEventHandler AboutToBlow;
C. When certain conditions are met, first check event for null and fire it (with same parameters as the delegate - these will be passed on to the handler).
1: public void Accelerate(int delta)
2: {
3: // If the car is dead, fire Exploded event.
4: if (carIsDead)
5: if (Exploded != null)
6: Exploded(this, new CarEventArgs("Sorry, this car is dead..."));
7: }
2. In parent class:
A. Define one or more functions implementing the event delegate that will perform the action required when the event fires.
1: public static void CarExploded(string msg)
2: {
3: Console.WriteLine(msg);
4: }
B. Create an event handler, associating it with the handling function in the child class, as defined above.
1: Car.CarEventHandler carExplodedEventHandler = new Car.CarEventHandler(CarExploded);
C. Register the handler we created with the child class event type we want to handle (usually right after we create this object). If c1 is an object of the type in the child class,
1: c1.Exploded += carExplodedEventHandler ;
Now whenever the event fires in the child class, the delegate will execute the CarExploded(string msg) function in the parent class.
1: public void Accelerate(int delta)
2: {
3: // If the car is dead, fire Exploded event.
4: if (carIsDead)
5: if (Exploded != null)
6: Exploded(this,
7: new CarEventArgs("Sorry, this car is dead..."));
8: }
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you want to refer to a non static function (to fire when the event occurs i.e. function CarExploded in this example) you need to declare it at the class level, but initialise it in the parent class constructor. When declaring the event handler you can declare it readonly. I.e.:
Step 2B becomes:
1: readonly Car.CarEventHandler carExplodedEventHandler; // above the constructor
and inside the constructor:
1: carExplodedEventHandler = CarExploded;
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