Some interesting information about setting up an external application (command line) and executing it without a visible window. Allows for capturing the stdout, stdin and stderr streams too. This example is for launching the command line svn client with info argument about a specific file in the svn repository, and capturing the result of our query.
1: Process svnProcess = new Process();
2: svnProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "svn.exe";
3: svnProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = " info " + svnUri;
4: svnProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
5: svnProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
6: svnProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
7: svnProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
8: svnProcess.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
9: svnProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
11: try
12: {
13: bool started = svnProcess.Start();
14: if (!started)
15: {
16: Log.WriteLog("Unable to start svn.exe process, aborting.", "svnInfoError.log", true, true);
17: MessageBox.Show("Unable to start svn.exe process.", "Error launching svn.exe", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
18: return -1;
19: }
20: }
21: catch (Exception ex)
22: {
23: Log.WriteLog("Unable to start svn.exe process, aborting.", "svnInfoError.log", true, true);
24: MessageBox.Show("Unable to start svn.exe process.", "Error launching svn.exe", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
25: return -1;
26: }
28: StreamReader sOut = svnProcess.StandardOutput;
29: string output;
31: while (svnProcess.HasExited == false)
32: {
33: output = sOut.ReadLine();
34: if (output != null)
35: {
36: if (output.StartsWith("Last Changed Rev: "))
37: {
38: string revNumberString = output.Substring("Last Changed Rev: ".Length);
39: int revNumber;
40: if (int.TryParse(revNumberString, out revNumber))
41: {
42: sOut.Close();
43: return revNumber;
44: }
45: else
46: {
47: throw new Exception("Could not parse the svn revision number!!!");
48: }
49: }
50: }
51: }
53: do
54: {
55: output = sOut.ReadLine();
56: if (output != null)
57: {
58: if (output.StartsWith("Last Changed Rev: "))
59: {
60: string revNumberString = output.Substring("Last Changed Rev: ".Length);
61: int revNumber;
62: if (int.TryParse(revNumberString, out revNumber))
63: {
64: sOut.Close();
65: return revNumber;
66: }
67: else
68: {
69: throw new Exception("Could not parse the svn revision number!!!");
70: }
71: }
72: }
73: } while (output != null);
76: string error = svnProcess.StandardError.ReadToEnd();
77: if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error) == false)
78: {
79: Log.WriteLog(error, "svnInfoError.log", true, true);
81: }
82: return -1; // Error executing the svn client application!!!
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